1922 Pattern Canadian Ensign Flag (3ft by 5ft)

Price: $29.95
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Above you can view the scan of a modern remake of the historic 1922 Pattern Canadian Ensign Flag. It is 36 inches by 60

inches wide. The design is printed on a light synthetic material. This flag is a modern replica of the original, never owned.

This Canadian Ensign flag, is a representative commemorative of the flag under which thousands of Canadian men and women fought and many died in WWII and Korea. Truly, this flag is the centerpiece of 20th Century Canadian militaria.

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Lest we forget ...

This Canadian Ensign, (under which hundreds of thousands of Canadian men and women fought and many died in WWII and in Korea) was replaced, under Lester B. Pearson, and the Liberal Government, in 1965, by the "New Canadian flag".

But it all started way back then ....

In 1914, at the beginning of WWI, when King George V of England declared war on Germany, Canada, not yet a fully independent country, was automatically at war. We were still a colonial member of the British Empire, in essence, a colony of Great Britain, despite the BNA Act of 1867 (which we have been erroneously taught was the time when Canada became a nation). However in WWI, the Canadian Army, finally, after over 2 war years of British and French officer control was separated and set up with her own Canadian Commanding officers; Canadian officers under the Canadian Lt General, Sir Arthur Currie. This new Canadian Army went on to prove itself so well during that war, (especially at Vimy Ridge in 1917, where we punched back the mighty Imperial German Army over 30 miles. Yes, our soldiers, an army composed of cowboys, store clerks, farmers, miners, and many other walks of life won a decisive victory over that impressive Imperial German Army. The German soldiers of the day were quite taken aback and gave our boys the nickname of "Red Patch Devils" when they saw the 1st Canadian Division rectangular patch on their uniforms. It as the largest and most successful advance of any of the allied armies attempts in the WWI trench warfare. The result being that, when the war ended, Canada, that sparsely populated colonial nation, of "hewers of wood and drawers of water" from across the sea, was to become a full-fledged respected member of the world community of nations, the glaring example of which was that we signed the War Armistice, (called the Treaty of Versailles) in 1919, apart and separate from Great Britain... Now a completely independent entity on the world stage, "The Dominion of Canada" as we were known then, became one of the founding member countries of the League of Nations and also a founding member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. And of course, by 1922, the "Red Ensign" of the style you see above was the flag that fluttered over our emerging nation.

Lest we forget ...

Now recognized by the world as an independent country, and flying the "Red Ensign", 1922 pattern, as shown above, Canada entered WWII by declaring war on the Nazis, some days after King George VI of England, made his declaration. Our only link with England then were our traditions, our democratic way of life, and our sincere love for the Motherland; all of which which provided us with our proud historic roots, and of course the last link was the British North America Act (which was called the "Canadian Constitution", passed into law by the British Parliament in 1867) .

This Constitution, as it has been justly called, was taken from the British Parliament, (where our freedoms were protected since it could not be easily changed or altered), by Trudeau and the Liberal government of the day, and "repatriated" to Canada in 1982. (This "repatriation" was political verbage, since it was never passed in Canada, but was a British Gov't law). This political act would now open up our constitution to be changed and altered at the whim of the members of the Canadian parliament; and needless to say, this move was followed closely by the passing of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, nullifying the 1960 Bill of Rights and Freedoms passed by the Diefenbaker Government of the day, and removing forever the old historic and Godly sense of "Individual Freedom" and "personal responsibility", that Canadians had known it since the mid 19th century.

Now our "rights & freedoms" are generally decided by powerful lobby groups or by lawyers and judges in our courts of law, not by the elected representatives of the people, nor even by a jury of citizens.

"Oh Canada!" where have you gone, don't you care about your sons and daughters?"